It was a bit early for it to be a visit from Santa, but instead, Steadfast EPA were delighted to welcome some other visitors in the form of the Customer Success team from Skilltech Solutions, where they sprinkled some festive joy (and large helping of epaPRO guidance and advice!) Libby, Isha and Laura spent the day with the Steadfast EPA team providing expert training and updates on how epaPRO can make the end point assessment journey an even smoother and more personalised experience for training providers, assessors and learners.
Communication and continuous support throughout the gateway process will always be key values for Steadfast EPA, and by fully harnessing the capabilities of the epaPRO platform, we will be able to offer ever-increasing levels of support to all parties in preparation of the end point assessment. Having a full day with the Skilltech team to unpick the full potential of the epaPRO platform proved to be invaluable, and certainly gave the Steadfast EPA team plenty to be excited about in terms of creating even more streamlined and efficient practices!
The Steadfast EPA team are happy to carry out support sessions with providers and assessors to help them navigate and fully-utilise the epaPRO platform. This will help to ensure accurate data and communication is available to all parties involved in the end point assessment process, allowing training providers to focus on what really matters – the success of your learners and a seamless EPA journey!
To book in an epaPRO support session with one of the team, or to speak to us about EPAs in general, please email us at or phone us on 01775 513056

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